tisdag 25 september 2012

Emily Update (finally I know!)

This is what I've been up to, besides working, going to school and working on a secret project.
Drinking smoothies almost every day. 
 Gone to this place, mostly for work, but also for clinics.
 Adorable BMX riding patient little boy waiting for his father to finish up telling us about the great new winter products. Let me add, it was Saturday morning at 9.00 AM.
 Smiling at funny signs on the billboard at my school.
 Walking. Everywhere. It's 5 KM just back and fourth from work. It looks like fall, but it was actually 73 degrees.
Hanging on the pier reading. Breathing "fresh" sea air and taking naps.

1 kommentar:

  1. You have such a busy schedule! Hope Seb is taking good care of you :)
