söndag 2 september 2012

First week back in the city

Last friday I left my wonderful husband and flew to the city that never sleeps. It was hot and humid as usual in the US during the summer. 
Martin and Mom came with me, so we spent the weekend fixing my apartment. Including a Saturday IKEA trip, yes it is as crowded as in Barkaby after payday. We also had time to enjoy some good old american food, rooftop sunbathing and experienced a true New York rain shower. William joined us Monday night straight from Reading and we waved good bye to Mom and Martin early Tuesday morning. 
School started Monday night, Fall 2012 here we go. Patternmaking, draping, sewing, fashion art, textbooks, markers, blenders, L square, 2b pencils, dress form, garment district, measuring tape. Lets just say it is going to be intense. 
The weekend came and William went back home to start school. I hung out with Soffia all Saturday. We went to a flea market in Fort Greene and it was the hottest day so far. 
After the flea market we went back to Brooklyn Heights and decided to cool down on Soffias roof. Fantastic views as most roof tops in the city. 
We ended our evening by walking along the river together with tourists, couples holding hands and families. Ate some sushi for dinner and watched the sunset. 
 And... I also got a job this week. Interview monday and started wednesday. So now I'm working 5 days a week at Paragon Sports selling Outdoor Clothing as you can see on my name tag. 
I can't belive I've only been here a week. I have gotten so much done, thanks to my family. And tomorrow my friends, Anneli and Sandy from my packaging design days show up and stay for the week. So I probably won't be updating so much, but I have prepared some post about my summer that I  want to share with you. 

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