söndag 29 april 2012

Sunday morning a took the subway all the way up to 86th street. 
 I love the Upper West Side. Nice treelined streets and small shops and restaurants everywhere. 
 Somi from my sewing class had invited me to her church. A very large (5 stories) and modern (everything in white and clean scandinavian styled design) church just recently built. 
 After church we looked through thrift stores. A pretty bird cage that made me think of Sara L. 
 I fell in love with this wooden whatever-it-is. I have no idea what it used to be, but now it is a $750 coffee table for my future summer home. 
 Interesting earrings and cuff links made from old clock parts.
 Gorgeous day, fantastic weather, 65 and sunny. I'm loving spring time New York.  
 Packed with people everywhere is the downside to living in this city.
A cool car I saw on the way home. That pretty much raps up my Sunday. I fit in a workout before church and thought I would be a good student in the afternoon, but by the time I got home I was exhausted. So instead of picking up my school books I watched episodes on Hulu and now I'm going to bed early. I always have tomorrow.  

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